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Gold Sponsor 

The Gold sponsorship will include an exhibitor booth and participation in the Conference for three people.

Your company's logo will appear in strategic locations throughout the Conference venue and will be recognised

in the final conference programme, proceedings, and on the conference website. The sponsor will provide at

his own cost the attendee portfolio bag, which will be distributed to all attendees with the sponsor logo and

the conference title printed on the bag. 

Silver Sponsor

The sponsorship includes an exhibitor booth and the participation in the Conference and the workshop for

one person. The Company's logo will appear in strategic locations at the activity you sponsor. In addition, your

company will be recognized in the final programme booklet and on the conference website.

Welcome Reception Sponsorship

Your company will be recognised in the final conference programme booklet and on the conference website.

STAND (3m front x 2m depth = 6 m2) 

The stand sponsorship includes an exhibitor booth (including a diaphanous space of 3x2 m, electricity point,

and Wi-Fi internet access) and the participation in the Conference for one commercial delegate.

STAND (3m x 2m = 6 m2) + Workshop

The stand + Workshop sponsorship includes an exhibitor booth (including a diaphanous space of 3x2 m,

electricity point, and Wi-Fi internet access) and the exclusive sponsorship of one workshop. Additionally, it

includes the participation in the Conference for one commercial delegate.

STAND (3m x 2m = 6 m2) + Lecture

The stand + Round table sponsorship includes an exhibitor booth (including a diaphanous space of 3x2 m,

electricity point, and Wi-Fi internet access) and the exclusive sponsorship of one lecture. Additionally, it

includes the participation in the Conference for one commercial delegate.

* Deadline for reservation and payment of stand (s): September 15th, 2024

The organization offers the exhibiting companies the option of hiring other services: furniture, technical staff... Please contact the Technical Secretariat for further information.



Coffee Break


Your company is offered the opportunity to place your company’s logo on the attendees’ bags.

Book of proceedings

Your company is offered the opportunity to place your company’s advertising on ½ or 1 full page in the book of proceedings


Your company is offered the opportunity to place your company’s logo on the Conference notebook.

Advertising on the attendees’ material

Your company is offered the opportunity to have a leaflet or small brochure inserted in each attendee's portfolio bag. Alternatively, small mementos, like a pen or other small gadgets with your logo can be inserted in the portfolio bag. The material to be included in the bag must be received by the conference secretariat within the schedule that will be communicated. 

Attendees' badges

Your company is offered the opportunity to place your company’s logo on the attendees’ badges.


Your company is offered the opportunity to place your company’s logo on the lanyards.


All these sponsorship options will have the following advertising considerations:

Placing of the logotype at the Meeting website
Placing of the logotype on the printed material produced for the Meeting
Placing the logotype on the attendees’ material
Distribution of advertising material in the exhibition area of the Meeting
Distribution of advertising material in the technical secretariat of the Meeting
Other options proposed by the Sponsor


Contact the Technical Secretariat of Sponsors for other sponsorship options and/or collaborations:
